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Redwood News image from Korbel Burn test

New fire-resistant paint FIRECOAT pushed to limits in live burn test

Thu 06 Jun 2024

The UC Berkeley disaster lab put together sheds to test the fire resistance of new acrylic paint.

Flame Security International created Firecoat. The fire-retardant coat can be applied over walls indoors and outdoors to protect the home from being burned down.

Firecoat began life in Sweden after FSI’s Tony Overstead and his founding partner discovered the paint being applied at Ikea locations.

“We decided to go to Sweden to conduct the due diligence to bring that product to Australia. We did and we went to the University of New South Wales were my co-founder and I did our degrees and we set up shop and six years later, we had given birth to 12 different fire-retardant and fire-protection coatings,” Overstead said.

To read more of this news story and watch video click here

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